MUs sommerlejr – glæd dig !

MU sommerlejr 2018 – glæd dig!

MUs sommerlejr afholdes i år i København d. 30. juli til d. 4. august.

Lederne af lejren lover, at der bliver plads til både spas, grin og grimasser og masser af tid til gudstjeneste, bøn og samtaler.

Lejrens fysiske udgangspunkt bliver Jerusalemskirken, der ligger centralt placeret i København – og er let at komme til med toget. Deltagerne opfordres til at huske lommepenge til is – selvom ingen kan garantere for det danske vejr, så satses der naturligvis på højt solskinsvejr denne uge! 

Læs mere om lejren her, hvor du også kan downloade invitationen.


The World Methodist Conference

The World Methodist Conference is a global gathering of the Methodist-Wesleyan family held every five years in a different part of the world. The 22nd World Methodist Conference will be held in Sweden in 2024.

School of Congregational Development 2019

School of Congregational Development 2019 “Called2Change” finder sted i Tallinn d. 19.-22. september 2019.

Følg med i Called2Change på facebook

På listen over forskellige tracks er der indtil videre:

  • Kreativitet/drama/musik
  • Børn og unge
  • Kirkeplantninger og vækst
  • Tjeneste med immigranter og muslimer
  • Åndelig fornyelse af kirken

Hovedtalerne bliver præst Barry Sloan og præst Martin Atkins

Her finder du invitationen til Called2Change.

Programme for the SoCD 2019:

17.00 Registration
18.30 Meal
19.30 Opening Worship
– Play it by Ear
– Worship
– Christian Alsted. Theme: Called to change
– Host: Maria Thaarup, Reading: Saara Heimonen
21.00 Café – no programme, fellowship

08.00 Registration – local team
08.30 Morning devotion and worship, Play it by Ear. Host: Maria
09.00 Plenary session
– Martyn Atkins. Theme: Missional Church Development in the 21st Century
10.00 Reflection with your team/church
10.30 Coffee break
11.00 Plenary session
– Barry Sloan. Theme: ”Ladies and Gentlemen, the Church has left the building”
12.00 Reflection with your team/church
12.30 Lunch
14.00 Tracks
1) Rethink Church
– Martyn Atkins
2) Rethink Church: New Places for New People
– Barry Sloan
3) Ministry with migrants
– Mark Lewis/Mai-Brit Tvilling/Ingull Grefslie/”X” Finland
4) YMCA – Youth Ministry Can Arise
– Maria Thaarup/Andreas Fjordrov/Daniel Steinvig
5) Ministry with Children
– Anne Thompson/Carolyn Edwards
6) Creative communication/”preaching”
– Play it by Ear
7) Change, from inside/out
– Sarah Tiainen, Jori Brander, team from Finland
8) Rethink music
– Band from UMC Norway
NB! Some tracks may be offered only once depending on number of sign up
15.30 Coffee
16.00 track continued
17:00 Time off
18.00 Dinner (optional)
20.00 Evening off / Café open

08.30 Gathering time
Morning devotion & worship, Play it by Ear
09.00 Plenary session
– Bishop Christian Alsted. Theme: Missional Church Development in the 21st Century
10.00 Reflection with your team/church
10:30 Coffee break
11.00 Leading from here to there – Breaking growth barriers:
1. Small to midsize church – Thomas Risager
2. Midsize to large church – Jørgen Thaarup
3. Large to x-large church – Jon Løvland
12.00 Reflection with your team/church
12.30 Lunch
14.00 Tracks:
1) Rethink Church
– Martyn Atkins
2) Rethink Church: New Places for New People
– Barry Sloan
3) Ministry with migrants
– Mark Lewis/Mai-Brit Tvilling/Ingull Grefslie/”X” Finland
4) YMCA – Youth Ministry Can Arise
– Maria Thaarup/Andreas Fjordrov/Daniel Steinvig
5) Ministry with Children
– Anne Thompson/Carolyn Edwards
6) Creative communication/”preaching”
– Play it by Ear
7) Change, from inside/out
– Sarah Tiainen, Jori Brander, team from Finland
8) Rethink music
– Band from UMC Norway
15.30 Coffee
16.00 Track continued
17:00 Time off
18.00 Dinner
19.30 Evening service “Calling” Leader: Sarah Tiainen

10.00 Sending Service
– Martyn Atkins preaching – Bishop Alsted will say a word of sending
– leader: Maria Thaarup
12.00 Lunch and departure

Følg med i Called2Change på facebook.

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